The benefits of limiting screen time for our children

For young children's overall growth and wellbeing, especially in the early years, screen use should be kept to a minimum. Here are a few of the main advantages:

Wholesome physical growth

Active Play: Children have more opportunity for physical activity like running, jumping, and outside play when they spend less time in front of screens. This encourages the growth of coordination, muscle power, and motor skills.

Reducing screen time helps avoid a sedentary lifestyle, which lowers the risk of childhood obesity.

Improvements in Cognitive Development

Increased Attention Span: Too much screen time might make it difficult for kids to focus and concentrate. Limiting screen time encourages kids to do things that need their undivided attention.

Better Problem-Solving Skills: Playing with toys, solving puzzles, and building with blocks all encourage cognitive growth and problem-solving abilities.

Interactions with carers and peers are essential for a child's language development. Limiting screen time promotes more engagement and conversation, which is important for developing vocabulary and language abilities.

Better Sleeping Patterns

Better Sleep: Blue light from screens can interfere with the body's ability to produce melatonin, a hormone that controls sleep. For young children, limiting screen usage, especially before bed, can result in more restful nights and better-quality sleep.

Improved Social Skills

Face-to-Face Interaction: Face-to-face interactions are the main way that young children learn social cues, empathy, and communication skills. More in-person social contacts result from less screen usage.

Spending less time in front of screens means spending more time with family members, which can improve parent-child interactions.

Promotes Creativity in Play

Limiting screen time allows kids to play imaginatively and creatively by encouraging them to role-play, draw, and tell stories. These pursuits encourage originality and self-expression.

Less behavioural problems

Less Aggression and Irritability: Children's behavioural issues can be exacerbated by excessive screen usage, particularly when it involves exposure to violent or aggressive content. Screen time restrictions can result in calmer, more emotionally stable behaviour.

Reduced Impulsivity: Children who spend less time in front of screens are less likely to experience impulsive behaviour or attention deficit disorder symptoms.

Protection and wellbeing

Limiting screen time allows parents to monitor and manage the content their children are exposed to, lowering the likelihood that they will come across any improper or hazardous material.

Reduced Screen Addiction: Early adoption of appropriate screen-time practises can help to lower the risk of developing a screen addiction.

Young children's physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development depend on them having a limited amount of screen time. It's important for parents and other carers to strike a balance and make sure that young children have plenty of opportunity for active play, social connection, and creative exploration. Screens can be useful educational tools when used in moderation. It's crucial to build the groundwork for lasting healthy behaviours and development during these formative years.


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