The Short Bead Stair

The Montessori ‘Short Bead Stair’ material helps the child understand the concept of quantity in a very ‘concrete’ way, as they can feel it, count it, and organise it. There are various activities done with the Montessori Short Bead Stair, which are mentioned below:

Addition with the short bead stair

In this activity, the child learns how to add numbers up to 10, using the Montessori Short Bead Stair, and then recording the answers on the series one sum card. This exercise shows the child a concrete way of doing addition using the tactile sense.

addition with the short bead stair

Multiplication tables with the short bead stair

The directress uses the short bead stair to introduce the child to multiplication tables. The child records the answers like before on the series one sum card. This is a wonderful activity for the child to practice addition, as well as it helps him memorize simple multiplication facts.

multiplication tables with the short bead stair

Subtraction using the short bead stair

The directress introduces subtraction to the child using the Montessori short bead stair, and again he is encouraged to record the answers on the series one sum card. This activity gives the child practice in subtracting numbers, and it shows him a very concrete way to subtract, using the tactile sense.

Subtraction with the short bead stair