Colour Box Three (presentation one)

What is Colour Box Three?

This presentation is done with Colour Box Three. Colour Box Three is a large wooden container in a Montessori classroom, which contains nine compartments. Each compartment has seven shades of red, blue, yellow, pink, green, purple, brown, grey, and orange. The child will learn how to grade one set of the seven shades of colour from darkest to lightest.

Grading shades of brown using Colour Box three

Grading shades of brown using Colour Box three

How is the first presentation done with Colour Box Three?

The directress chooses one set of colours, for example, green, she places the seven different shades of green randomly on the mat. The directress takes her time to look carefully for the darkest shade of green and once she has found it she places it on the far left-hand side of the mat. The directress continues in the same manner until the colour green has been graded from darkest to lightest. The directress offers the child to have a turn and encourages the child to use his favorite colour to grade the tablets from darkest to lightest.

What does the child learn by doing the first presentation with Colour Box Three?

This activity encourages the child to concentrate and be patient, this activity will help to develop the child’s fine motor coordination, and it introduces the child to opposites, comparatives, and superlatives.

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