Geometric Cabinet (presentation two)

How the second presentation is done with the Geometric Cabinet

In the second presentation, children will be working with one of the geometric drawers. The directress introduces the first drawer to the child, the first drawer contains six wooden circle insets with a knob on the top for the child to pick it up, each circle increases in diameter from 5cm to 10cm. The directress shows the child how to carry the tray carefully with two hands to the floor mat, she removes each shape with her right hand, using the correct pincer grip, and places them around the tray on the mat.

Geometric Cabinet

Geometric Cabinet

The directress shows the child how to pick up the first circle with her left hand, she takes her time to feel around the inset correctly with her right hand, using her middle and index fingers, moving in an anti-clockwise direction. She then places the inset back on the floor mat. The directress continues to fell the remaining insets in the same manner. The directress then invites the child to have a turn.

What does the child learn by doing the second presentation with the Geometric Cabinet?

This activity improves the child’s hand-eye co-ordination, it encourages the child to use the correct pincer grip, it develops the child’s language as well this activity prepares the child for geometry that will be done later on.  

Looking for more Montessori activities?

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Visual and Muscle Discrimination Sense activities

Tactile Sense activities

Chromatic Sense activities

Auditory Sense activities

Thermic Sense activities

Baric Sense activities

Olfactory Sense activities

Stereognostic Sense activities

Geometry activities

Algebra activities