Tree puzzle

How is the tree puzzle presented?

The directress invites the child to work with her and brings the materials to the mat. She begins by reminding the child of the trees they had observed previously on the nature walk. She then places the puzzle in front of him on the mat. The directress uses the pincer grip to remove each piece of the puzzle, and placing them randomly on the mat.

The directress briefly discusses each part of the tree as she removes the pieces one by one. If the child gets restless, he can help her remove the pieces. The directress then places the pieces back into the puzzle, one at a time. She shows the child how to place the pieces back gently, moving from one side of the puzzle round to the other side. The child realises that the pieces go in with ease and not with force.

The directress invites the child to have a turn and thanks him for working with her once he has completed the puzzle.

What does the child learn by doing this activity?

This activity encourages the child to have a high level of patience and concentration, it develops the child’s vocabulary and pincer grip, it helps the child become familiar with parts of the tree, as well as this activity helps the child instill a love and respect for nature, and the world around him.

What other Cultural activities are presented in the same manner?