Opening and Closing Bottles

This Practical Life elementary activity is very similar to opening and closing boxes. The difference is for this elementary exercise bottles are used, instead of boxes. The teacher should bring in different bottles for the children to open and close.

This essentially makes it more difficult for children to manipulate as the bottles are heavier and the children know the consequence if the bottle falls on the floor, it will shatter and make a big mess. Finished up perfume bottles make a good choice.

Opening and Closing Bottles

Opening and Closing Bottles

How does learning to open and close bottles help?

This activity indirectly teaches the children to be patient and concentrate when working, as well as promoting independence in children so they can start doing things themselves without any assistance.

Looking for more Montessori activities?

Here is the full list of the Montessori tasks, including preliminary, elementary, applied exercises, and grace and courtesy. Just click on the activity you want to learn about to go there.

Montessori preliminary exercises

Montessori elementary exercises

Montessori Applied Exercises: Care of the Environment

Montessori Applied Exercises: Care of the Person

Montessori Grace and Courtesy

Control of Movement