Cutting and arranging flowers

Following on from watering plants, children now go one stage further by cutting and arranging flowers.

For the activity, you’ll need a small vase and a pair of scissors. Choose a few flowers and carefully cut off any unwanted leaves. With the child, cut the stems of the flowers so that they fit well in the vase. You can arrange the flowers so that they look great in the vase.

Children will be exposed to taking care of flowers and making sure they are well prepared and in order for potential growth. This will teach children respect and love for nature. Children will indirectly learn patience, eye convergence, and sequencing.

Looking for more Montessori activities?

Here is the full list of the Montessori tasks, including preliminary, elementary, applied exercises, and grace and courtesy. Just click on the activity you want to learn about to go there.

Montessori preliminary exercises

Montessori elementary exercises

Montessori Applied Exercises: Care of the Environment

Montessori Applied Exercises: Care of the Person

Montessori Grace and Courtesy

Control of Movement