Teaching children how to greet someone

Humans are social creatures and how we greet people will have a big effect on how the other person reacts and how we are treated ourselves, especially when we greet people for the very first time. When we greet someone warmly and politely, this makes the other person feel comfortable and welcome. We want to teach our children to learn how to greet someone well.

Teaching children how to greet others in Montessori

In Montessori, we teach children to greet others politely and to say hello. For some children this is easy, but for other children, they may need more help and support. We teach children to be friendly and nice when greeting someone.

Looking for more Montessori activities?

Here is the full list of the Montessori tasks, including preliminary, elementary, applied exercises, and grace and courtesy. Just click on the activity you want to learn about to go there.

Montessori preliminary exercises

Montessori elementary exercises

Montessori Applied Exercises: Care of the Environment

Montessori Applied Exercises: Care of the Person

Montessori Grace and Courtesy

Control of Movement